Issuing a Social Security Memo for an F-1 or J-1 Student

Issuing a Social Security Memo for an F-1 or J-1 Student

The Social Security Administration requires F-1 and J-1 students to provide proof of employment eligibility and work authorization. This is done through the issuance of a standardized Social Security Employment Verification Memorandum. The form must be initially completed by the department, printed, and signed by the student’s supervisor. The student brings the signed form to International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) for final verification and signature.

Step One - Download the Memo and Complete Section A

The form is available for download below:

Complete section A with all of the requested information. Remember to use the student’s name as it appears on their passport.

Section A of the SSN Form

Step Two - Print out the Memo and Sign

The memo must be printed out and given a wet signature by the supervisor.

Supervisor Signature Example

Step Three - Give the Student the Memo and Direct to ISSS

Once Section A has been signed, give the student the memo and direct them to contact ISSS. Appointments and walk in hours can be found at https://international.utk.edu/ .

Step Four - ISSS Review and Signature

At ISSS, we will review the student’s immigration record and sign Section B.

SSN Memo Section B


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